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VGK Players Travel To A New Dimension With OPIUM At The Cosmo

With the offseason in full force, Golden Knights players are taking advantage of the world-class entertainment right in their backyard. Defensemen Nate Schmidt, Jon Merrill and Brayden McNabb, and forward Cody Eakin, stopped by the Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas to catch a showing of OPIUM, a variety show said to be, “a fast, funny and funky love letter to every B-grade science fiction movie ever made,” according to their website.

“Comedy shows are always fun when you go with a group of people that you like being around, people you know that are going to have fun with it,” said Schmidt. “We found ourselves, multiple times, leaning on each other laughing so hard that my stomach started to hurt.”

After the show, the guys made sure to grab a few photos with the cast. “They stay in character during the photos and that’s what makes it more fun. You don’t get to see until afterward how funny or how goofy it looks by the way that each of the performers look and how they continue to stay true to their form and true to their character,” said Schmidt. “Just the pure comedy was gold.”